Garden delights!

I love this time of year, all the colors and textures and yummy treasures in our garden.

Our yellow zucchini is finally setting on… a few more days and we’ll be eating it! So close! 

We have been munching on lettuce from our garden for two months now… it liked the cooler weather we were having. This lettuce is called flashy trout.

Linking with Straight out of the Camera, A Creative Harbor’s Magical MondayMacro Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday.


In our continuous rainy weather, there is always the moment it stops for a bit and the skies brighten. Taking quick advantage of the break, I venture out to the garden to discover magical scenes created by the raindrops. 
This is of one of the hostas my husband loves, with a host of jewel-like drops glistening in our slightly brighter morning. 
The rains return, leaving memories of the magical in-between. 

Sharing today with Straight out of the Camera
Lisa’s Chaos Macro Monday and 

Garden Magic

A poppy just beginning to open, taken during my morning walk around the garden.
Late afternoon that same day. So close, yet still not open as darkness fell. 

We woke to this beauty happily enjoying the early morning. 
Joining in with Carol at A Creative Harbor for Magical Monday
Also linking to Ruby Tuesday2
PS to Cheryl… Happy Birthday! 

Farmers Market Magic

 Saturday was the season opening of the Bellingham Farmers Market. I LOVE my farmers market.  It is magical to wander through the crowd looking at what the vendors are offering this week. 
This time of year the market abounds in vegetable starts. Don’t these lettuce plants look wonderful? 
And of course, it’s always a delight to discover that there really ARE fresh local organic vegetables available this early in the year.  Brussel sprouts and carrots…  

And radishes! They have radishes! 
Doesn’t it seem magical that they have these wonderful organic veggies for us this early in spring? Happy sigh! 
Sharing with Carol at A Creative Harbor on Magical Monday 
and Ruby Tuesday 2

Magical View

Driving  south to Mount Vernon last week with my husband, I spotted a snowy clear cut on a hill, with a few trees left in the draw. From our distance, it looked like a heart. The magic of finding hearts. I literally do find them everywhere. 🙂

After attending the “Art of Moving Forward” workshop in Anacortes last weekend, our heart was spotted again along Highway 20. I attempted a picture, my camera just didn’t come through. ( A Canon SX30IS 14.1 MP with 35x is on my wish list.)

Here’s one my friend Cheryl took for me with her much better camera.  🙂

This is inspiration for a canvas that I hope to work on soon… 

Sharing today with Carol at A Creative Harbor on Magical Monday

