Two Years Ago

She left a hole in my heart with her leaving. I miss you, Jen.

Altered Tin – Steampunk Style

 Recently completed for an Altered Tin – Steam punk style swap on Johnny “fired” the tins, I scrubbed up, painted with Lumiere Metallic Rust and blotted off to give a cool effect. Other cool papers and bits and bobs to give a Steampunk feel.

Beech Tree Metamorphosis

Our beech tree is fun to watch this time of year. Most of the old leaves hang on all winter, awaiting the new leaves emergence before falling from the tree. It’s interesting how some of the leaves just keep hanging on… they won’t let go even after the new leaf has appeared. Don’t they know it’s spring? It’s time to let go now. 

Attention span of a what?

One of today’s comments from our Squeen of Silly (Carla Sonheim) is about attention span… her example:  What do you have the attention span of?

A:  I am just like the Squeen. I have the attention span of a pea.

I think I have the attention span of a zucchini… it can be really short and tiny or it can be like that large long overgrown thing found hiding under the leaves. heehee!

What do YOU have the attention span of?

Another traveling journal

Recent spread for a traveling moleskine journal., theme is artists choice. It appears I’m a garden addict… 🙂

hump day haiku

drawing with pencil
freeing censor in my mind
bringing forth silliness

Yesterdays “hump day haiku”, part of the Art of Silliness class I’m taking from Carla Sonheim. 

Firing the tins

I think he loves me… or else loves building fires. He built a special “fire pit” to burn some tins for me. I wanted them for a project I’m doing… isn’t he the best? 🙂

I’ll share pictures of the tins later……….

Happy Easter!

Look what the Easter Bunny b(r)ought for our dinner. 😉

