Faerie Apartments

Old growth wanderings
staying to the posted trail
protects the faerie homes

I LOVE old growth trees! They fascinate me, and exude character and amazing energy as you wander by. This tree, obviously well loved by the forest creatures of all types, stopped me in my tracks. It could be faerie apartments, don’t you think?  Do you see it’s heart? 
Sharing today with Clytie at Guest Heart Thursday and

Faerie Forest

Magical Archway!
Entrance to the forest trail
where we start our hike.
Mossy camouflage!
A hidden faerie entrance
underneath a heart.
Perhaps the faeries 
were showing us their treasure.
Abundant morels!
Lacy faerie moss
all along our woodland trail
lead to trillium

There are many lovely treasures among the woodland trails this time of year, moss engulfed branches,  wild morel mushroom, hidden faeries teasing us along the way. Spending time with one you love wandering the woods is indeed magical!

Sharing today with Carol at A Creative Harbor on Magical Monday

HuMp DaY Haiku – Mossy Stump

On a mossy stump.
Wandering in our wild space
Message calls to me
I’ve had a hard time the past few weeks, too many demands,
too much stress, too little support. And wandering the back “wild space” near
the creek, listening to the birds, I came across this stump, embedded with an
old rusty shovel, showing me a moss heart. 
Hearts literally jump out at me
from all over. 
What do you suppose the message is?
I’ve decided I need to take some time away, all by myself,
to think and find out what’s in MY heart. I must let go of the perceived expectations
of others (and myself), and focus on being true to ME.

Note that this week I’m also submitting this post to 
Haiku my Heart at recuerda mi corazon

And now… back to our  HuMp DaY Haiku!  
I started doing Hump Day Haiku with Carla Sonheim’s Silly classes…  and decided as a challenge for myself, I’d continue.  In this process, I have found that creating a haiku (non rhyming poem with 5 – 7 – 5 syllables per line) feeds my soul. 

I especially like creating them to go with my photos and art. 

Would you like to share a haiku you have written? 

You may include a haiku in the comments, OR you may copy your blog post url (featuring a haiku) and add a link to your blog using Mr. Linky. And consider visiting other contributors blogs to see what they’ve created and say hello.  


Moss Heart

Noticing details. 
Moss upon a rocky slope
forms a gentle heart.

Mysteries revealed

Shrouded rocks and roots
Natures secret calling me
Mysteries revealed
Sorting through digital photos (while cataloging and trying to make some order from the chaos of months and numbers) I came across these from a trip to Artist Point at Mt Baker. Very cool moss covered rocks and gnarly old tree roots on the road down to Nooksack Falls.

If you look closely you can see faces peeking from the moss. And perhaps you’ll find a heart or two as well. 
Isn’t it fun when nature reveals it’s mysteries? 

Linking with Clytie at Guest Heart Thursday

Enjoy more haiku my heart with Rebecca @ recuerda mi corazon

