Creative Energy

It takes a lot of energy to be creative some days, when life
is throwing other things at you. 

I have not completed any of the paintings I’d hoped to this week, however I did get some much needed sorting and rearranging done. So that’s something. 🙂

I do have these paintings in the works… an idea based on the Flower Crazy class by Carla Sonheim. (Yes, I totally love what I learned in that class!) They are still wet in this photo. More layers to come. 

In other news… my Vintage and Ephemera shop has a sale on select ephemera packs. Here are a couple to tempt you. (Note that I get these packs only from books that are torn, missing covers or falling apart.)

Old Picture Book Illustration Packs
So what have you been up to this week? 

Sharing with Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristen. 

What's In My Studio

A bit of what I’m working on this week… 
Purple Cone Flower abstract WIP

I also have about a gazillion little canvases destined for the Holiday Arts Festival… this little pile is in the beginning background stage. More on this later. 
What are you working on this week? 

What's in my Studio

This week I’ve been working on some abstract gesso and watercolor paintings, inspired by my garden… The sunflowers are in full glorious bloom! (Have I mentioned I’m quite fond of sunflowers?)

Here are a couple of the works in progress.

The flowers textures are gesso “paintings”. I’m in the process of adding watercolor paint on top of the gesso. A few more layers, and then the finishing work begins. This technique was learned from Carla Sonheim.
I’ll have finished pieces to share shortly. 

Spring flowers

Tulips and Crocus blooming for a local Artist Trading Card trade. These were created using a technique learned in Carla Sonheim’s Flower Crazy class, with gesso and watercolor paints. Most fun!
Have a wonderful Friday! 
Sharing with the folks at Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.
Also sharing with Artists in Blogland 

It's Spring, it's Spring!

Yay, it’s officially Spring! The weather hasn’t quite figured it out, but I know and that makes the cold rainy weather almost bearable.

Thinking Spring flowers… here’s a little piece I’ve mostly finished using the gesso and watercolor technique from Carla Sonheim’s Flower Crazy class (link in sidebar).

Yellow crocus. 

Have I mentioned I LOVE this class? It takes me awhile to get anything completed (my excuse is that the gesso takes a while to dry, and so I get distracted with some other project. *laugh*). However I AM slowly completing the projects, and having great fun with the techniques.

Here is the closer-to-done-WIP that I shared last week in it’s white out stage.

Abstract Roses

I have shading to finish, and finalizing the leaves, although I’m not sure quite WHAT I’m going to do with the leaves quite yet. And then other fixing of odd little bits. If I’m lucky, I’ll get it done tomorrow. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!

BWS tips button


I’m delighted to be taking Carla Sonheim’s FLOWER CRAZY online class. We’re in our second week, and have played with some fun techniques… this week is gesso and watercolor.
Here are a couple I have in progress…

Step One 
Step Two
Step 3… shading still to come! 
We’re now in the middle of a “white out” painting… 
White out – a few layers in…

More on this soon! We get our lessons in increments, and I’m excited to see what happens with this one.

Sharing with the artists at Paint Party Friday. Thanks Eva and Kristin for hosting us each week.

Flower Crazy

I just sold a couple of items from my Etsy store, which gave me enough to take this Flower Crazy online class with Carla Sonheim.

I’m so excited! I love her work, and am really looking forward to the challenge! Class starts tomorrow! Yay!

Flower Crazy wannabe

Dreaming of a class.
Working out how to attend.
Thank you Universe!

I SOOOO want to take Carla Sonheim’s online class Flower Crazy! This month other obligations have used up my “art class” budget. 

So universe, I’m putting it out to you and claiming with a grateful heart.
I will be able to participate in Flower Crazy 

I’m doing the work and soon will be able to say…

Joining with Haiku my Heart Friday

