It's Spring, it's Spring!

Yay, it’s officially Spring! The weather hasn’t quite figured it out, but I know and that makes the cold rainy weather almost bearable.

Thinking Spring flowers… here’s a little piece I’ve mostly finished using the gesso and watercolor technique from Carla Sonheim’s Flower Crazy class (link in sidebar).

Yellow crocus. 

Have I mentioned I LOVE this class? It takes me awhile to get anything completed (my excuse is that the gesso takes a while to dry, and so I get distracted with some other project. *laugh*). However I AM slowly completing the projects, and having great fun with the techniques.

Here is the closer-to-done-WIP that I shared last week in it’s white out stage.

Abstract Roses

I have shading to finish, and finalizing the leaves, although I’m not sure quite WHAT I’m going to do with the leaves quite yet. And then other fixing of odd little bits. If I’m lucky, I’ll get it done tomorrow. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!

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About Helen Campbell / Natures Walk

I'm an artist and photographer who is totally hooked on nature. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband, where we're lucky to have both ocean and mountains just a few minutes from home. Taking long walks exploring the area's flora and fauna is our greatest pleasure. Did I mention I love birds? Gardening for wildlife is a high priority, as is growing our own organic produce. We live the reuse, reduce, recycle motto! Life is good!

27 responses to “It's Spring, it's Spring!

  1. Oh my gosh! YES! This is spring for me!You made my day!gorgeous!Happy PPFSusi from the monthly challenge ART-JOURNAL-JOURNEY with the current theme:special moments!you are invited to take part!

  2. I love carlas work. Your flowers are beautiful and fun!

  3. Lovely spring flowers, sweet and fresh! ❤

  4. loving your artwork, especially the abstract flowers. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. Oh I am still waiting for my crocus to arrive. This is lovely! HPPF and Happy Spring!

  6. I LOVE those abstract roses! Great work!

  7. I laughed at your comment about the weather not yet knowing it is officially spring – so true – it's absolutely freezing here! I love your spring flowers – the abstract roses are gorgeous!

  8. Bright spring and summery colors. The abstract roses are my fave. This really draws me in.Nicole/Beadwright

  9. Wow..these are dazzling and uplifting…I love the soft subtle colors..and the abstract roses are exquisite! Beautifully done..fantastic work! Happy PPF!Victoria

  10. I love these! The soft colors and flowers make me long for spring also. It's been quite chilly even though the sun has been shining. Can't wait to open windows and see nature budding to life again. Great job!

  11. Happy PPF – Love your crocus, such a clear bright uplifting yellow. The link to Flower Crazy looks really interesting I'm going to have to check Carla's course out!

  12. Hi Helen. Hope all is well. Your abstract roses are awesome. Great job! Happy spring to you too. Great work and keep learning and having fun. I need to take some art classes too. Happy PPF!

  13. It's a scroll saw Helen. :)It's easy to use. I'm careful too.

  14. Ah, yes, crocus! :)Your abstract roses are absolutely delightful, too! Love that texture you are achieving!♥♥♥Happy PPF!!MaryMixed-Media Map Art

  15. I love your yellow flowers. Such a bright sunny reminder that spring is here! Now, we just have to remind the weather that it is time to warm up.

  16. beautiful work-love those abstract roses especially.Happy Spring and happy PPF!

  17. Sooo wonderful painting, love both of them.Have a loveley weekend

  18. Lovely spring flowers, I'm partial to flowers!

  19. lovely flowers! I wish we had crocuses here, we're still waiting for the snow to melt!! HPPF!

  20. That looks like you are having fun and I am so there on the distracted thing… but these are looking great…have a fab weekt xx

  21. Lovely spring flowers. Makes me want to go out and plant flowers in my garden. 🙂 HPPF

  22. Ha ha you are so funny- I think it's been cancelled here in the UK! Hope you had a springy birthday pal. xx

  23. Si! la primavera ya esta aqui! ha llegado primero a tu blog!

  24. Such delicate little flowers. I really like your roses simplicity. often people are too fussy about painting roses and they can look a little overworked but yours are fantastic.

  25. Beautiful crocus – I hope spring is truly on it's way! Happy PPF (on Saturday!)

  26. Anonymous

    Helen, your crocus and roses are coming out beautifully. No need to rush the process…everything in it's own time! Look forward to seeing them when you are finished. Hugs ~ Rhonda ♥

  27. Both of these two flower pictures are cute and whimsical. I love them for the colours you used and the technique. It was great seeing them in person.

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