HuMp DaY Haiku – Birdbath humor

Tomorrow it’s Spring! 

Frozen birdbath rubber ducks
hope it warms up soon! 

I couldn’t resist getting a shot of the rubber duckies in the birdbath this morning, frozen in place. Brrrrrr! The funny part is the real birds don’t seem to mind their bright yellow plastic counterparts sitting in their bird bath. My husband put them out there one day while I was at work, and it did get a laugh from me when I got home. It makes me smile every time I look out in the yard.

But look, duckies! There is hope! Grape hyacinths are a sign of spring. I’m sure it will warm up soon!

I have found that creating a haiku (non rhyming poem with 5 – 7 – 5 syllables per line) feeds my soul. I especially like creating them to go with my photos and art. 
Would you like to share a haiku you have written?  
You may include a haiku in the comments, OR you may copy your blog post url (featuring a haiku) and add a link to your blog using Mr. Linky. Consider visiting other contributors blogs to see what they’ve created and say hello. 

About Helen Campbell / Natures Walk

I'm an artist and photographer who is totally hooked on nature. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband, where we're lucky to have both ocean and mountains just a few minutes from home. Taking long walks exploring the area's flora and fauna is our greatest pleasure. Did I mention I love birds? Gardening for wildlife is a high priority, as is growing our own organic produce. We live the reuse, reduce, recycle motto! Life is good!

2 responses to “HuMp DaY Haiku – Birdbath humor

  1. Love the rubber duckie idea. Hmmm… I may have to copy it. Today IS spring! Have a good one, Helen.

  2. Love the rubber duckies. Frozen in time, tee hee. Great Haiku. Happy spring to you as well. By the way, my comment section is not coming up. I've been having problems with my posts coming up and also the comments section. Have a great day.

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